Have fun !

La Toussuire, a resort geared towards events planning, offers a wide selection of activities so that you can always have fun. From themed weeks to cycling events, everyone is sure to find what they enjoy…

Pets welcome
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Concert “Les Frangins Lindecker” – Spectacle Est Dans La Rue

With their revisits to French songs from the 1930s to the 70s, the musicians give a new lease of life to a popular repertoire enjoyed by all.

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Festival “Le Spectacle est dans la rue”

An open-air festival with shows every night. Theatrical, poetic, funny, sensitive, the program is varied to please all audiences. Sit on the terrace or lie down in the grass, the show will begin …

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Pets welcome
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Model Making Festival

After FITEM, with model-making enthusiasts we wanted to set up a week dedicated to the different model-making practices. The program includes demonstrations and introduction to piloting a glider, a boat and a car.

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Fontcouverte festivities

A weekend of unique experiences. Local folklore and customs will hold no secrets for you!

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Pastoralism Festival

A special pastoralism day with a host of demonstrations: herding dogs, shearing sheep’s wool, patois workshop, presentation of Hérens cows, 100% local producers’ market.

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Good Humor Week

For 4 days you will find activities focused on the theme of good humor, games, films, conferences, there will be something for everyone!

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Music Week

It’s a week of concerts from all over the world, plus workshops for children and parents to learn how to make their own instruments!

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Local Arts Week

Local Arts Week offers a rich and varied programme of events and exchanges with craftspeople, giving you the chance to immerse yourself in local culture!

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Wellness Week

Because vacations are a way to take care of yourself, self-awareness and well-being will be at the heart of this week. Come and recharge your batteries alone or with your family in our Savoyard mountains.

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Trail Week

Are you an experienced sportsperson who would like to test your abilities? Are you interested in trail running and would like to try it out? Are you just starting out and want to find out what you’ve got? This week is dedicated to you…

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Petanque tournament – Come and challenge the champions!

A day of different workshops for all ages, where you can challenge the champions and try to win the game!

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For Toussuire Summer Park, La Toussuire is transformed into one big amusement park! All the activities* are available for a single package! One day or 3 days at will. *see list of participating activities

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