Our mountain heritage

Traditional Fontcouverte - La Toussuire costume. Geometric style photo taken inside church of Fontcouverte. This is the church's main fresco


A brief history of our town, and some suggestions to find out more about this topic

Churches and chapels

Religious heritage is very much present and alive in La Toussuire. Many chapels and churches dot the hamlets. Some are exemplars of Baroque art.

Photo style géométrique à l'intérieur de l'église de Fontcouverte. Il s'agit de la fresque principal de l'église
Photo of Fontcouverte covered fountain. A grid with a stone wall, below which appears a fountain

Fountain and cromlech

Fontcouverte, name of the municipality where La Toussuire is located, gets its name from the “Covered Fountain” located below the road that leads out of town. Did you notice the cromlech on the slope above ?

Mountain architecture

Have you heard of the “legged houses”, or seen a bread oven ? Do you know why our houses all have balconies ? La Toussuire boasts unexpected treasures that are there to be discovered by the curious. Are you curious to find out more ?

Photo d'une vielle bâtisse de l'époque dans un style très montagnard. La photo est prise en journée d'été et à l'horizontal.
Close-up of Croziflette ! A dish of Croziflette with Savoy diot sausage and country-style prosciutto, accompanied by a side salad.


You’ve heard of tartiflette, raclette, and fondue, which all more or less form part of Savoy’s heritage, But have you heard of our local culinary heritage ? Matouille, diots-crozets, Soppa Grassa are some of the dishes that you will soon become familiar with.