Religious heritage

La Toussuire, land of culture

As you go up the road to La Toussuire, chapels and churches dot the landscape. At least one per hamlet, and there are 16 hamlets here ! Christian culture is still very much established in Savoy today. It has bestowed architectural and artistic wonders upon the land, some of which mark a stage on the wonderful Savoy “Paths of the Baroque“.

Our chapels and churches harbour unimagined, jealously guarded treasures.

Head over to the town hall to request a visit, you will not be disappointed !

Image hameaux de Fontcouverte © OT Toussuire (201)

Notre Dame de l’Assomption Church

Notre Dame de L’Assomption is a Baroque-style church located in the Fontcouverte village at 8 km of La Toussuire.

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Les Villards Chapel

The des Villards chapel is a Baroque monument of the 18th century which is still part of the Fontcouverte environment.

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Chapelle Notre Dame du Ski

Built almost 50 years ago in the Alpine environment of Fontcouverte, Notre Dame Du Ski Chapel is now part of La Toussuire resort.

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Eglise de Charvin

The church is a 19th century monument which is still an interesting element of our heritage

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Notre Dame de la Salette Chapel

During the 90’s this chapel has been restored . It is consiedered as an important and interesting stage in “les Chemins du Baroque”. It has been listed historical monument since October 2nd 1992.

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Private parking
Image Foncouverte - église ND de l'Assomption ©D. Dereani-Fondation Facim (19)

Eglise Notre-Dame-de-l’Assomption : En accès libre

This church was the pride of the bishop in 1833: according to him, it was one of the largest and most beautiful in the diocese. Subjective opinion or reality? Only you can verify this!

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Image patrimoine naturel et bâti ©clic-clac photo (13)

La Bise Chapel

Built by the « Fourniers » family in Materey, the chapel was first known as the “ Notre Dame et de St Claude” chapel. It was rebuilt in 1639 in the former village of “Fourniers” under the name of St Claude.

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Chapelle de La Rochette

The chapel and its surroundings are a good example of the mountain environment.

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Chapelle de Charvin

Chapelle de Charvin The chapel was built on May 26th, 1655 under the term “Purification”.

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