Have fun !

La Toussuire, a resort where events hold no secrets, offers a wide range of activities to ensure you always have fun. From themed weeks to cycling events, everyone will find something to enjoy…

For the 3rd year running, the legendary musher race is coming through La Toussuire!

This Wednesday 15 January, the resort welcomes the start of the 4th stage of La Grande Odyssée VVF!

This emblematic race brings together 65 mushers from all over the world to compete over 11 stages, totalling almost 400km and 12,000 D+ in all!

For this unique day, La Toussuire is organising a whole host of events around the theme of the Great North!

Then, from 5pm in the Rue Blanche, cheer on the athletes at the start line!

Image SO25

Ski d’or

Created by the ESF for those aged 14 and over who hold at least the Chamois d’argent, this competition gives ESF students the chance to compete on a national scale. See you at La Toussuire on 5 and 6 April.

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