Would you like to spend your holiday in La Toussuire without taking the car or plane? Train travel is the perfect solution for you!

From Brussels Midi, TGV trains stop at Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne International station with a connection in Chambéry, or take the Thalys trains with a connection in Paris.

From London, Eurostar trains serve Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne International Station via Paris, with one or two connections.

Remember to allow enough time for connections: 1 1/2 hour when travelling by train, and 3hrs when flying.

Closest station: Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne Arvan (17 km)

From Paris: direct TGV ‘neige’: 4 hours

From Lille TGV ‘neige’: 5h

TGV from Lille, Nantes, Marseille,… to Lyon, then regular connections by regional train Lyon / Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne Arvan

From 15th December onwards, Trenitalia will offer travellers a new way to reach the Alps by train. The company will extend its Paris-Lyon line to serve two new destinations in Savoie: Chambéry and Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne. Until 30th March, every weekend, skiers and mountain enthusiasts will be able to benefit from these new connections aboard the Frecciarossa trains, making it easier to access the ski resorts in Savoie.

In addition to the five daily return trips between Paris and Lyon, Trenitalia will operate a weekend service to Savoie every Saturday and Sunday, with a morning departure and an evening return.

Thus, the journey between Paris Gare de Lyon and Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne will be possible in under 4 hours and 15 minutes!

Then, there will be just 17 km left to reach our resort. Several ways to access it are available:

The Faure Savoie transport company offers a service between Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne station and La Toussuire.

Transport professionals are at your service to help you make those last few kilometres with complete peace of mind.

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Alex Go

Alex Go, un service de transport sur mesure pour tous vos trajets personnalisés.

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Taxis Roux Julien et Amélie

Les Taxis Roux mettent à votre disposition des véhicules spacieux jusqu’à 8 places et proposent des déplacements sur mesure, toute distance.

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Transport de voyageurs, organisateur de voyages et excursions Autocars Grand Tourisme – Minibus – Taxis. Transferts toutes distances, aéroports, gares – stations… Parking Autocars, organisation de transport avec remorque à vélos.

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Another option is car hire, with several providers offering a range of vehicles to suit your needs.

Rent a car : + 33(0)4 79 59 91 02 / stjeandemaurienne@rentacar.fr

Hertz : + 33(0)4 79 05 30 67