Heritage of Fontcouverte-La Toussuire: Baroque, wood, earth and sky

A rich history & heritage

a Toussuire was created in 1937 by Fontcouverte locals who led their herds to graze on the plateau In Savoy, apart from the flamboyant chapels and churches as per local tastes, heritage is more often manifested in art and popular traditions, or even gastronomy. Yet, we all recognise the artist’s hand in the shaping of a barn, the erection of a rough lumber frame, or the construction of a stone wall.

The town of Foncouverte boasts a truly ancient history, as evidenced by its Cromlech or the eponymous Covered Fountain. Its wealth also lies in its landscapes, sculpted by erosion and time. Our panoramas constitute our most readily accessible heritage: who would question that our Aiguilles d’Arves is a work of art?F

Find out more about our heritage:https://fondation-facim.fr/

Fontcouverte-La Toussuire

Fontcouverte-La Toussuire est composée de 16 hameaux qui jalonnent la route depuis le hameau du Plan des Rois jusqu’à la station de La Toussuire.

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