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Fontcouverte takes its name from the “Covered Fountain” located below the road that leads out of town: a stone basin covers a natural spring. This construction is apparently quite old. A few dozen metres above, the Cromlech was erected at the dawn of time (probably the Neolithic) below the Villards chapel. It consists of 12 stones erected in a semi-circle, facing the rising sun. Evidence of Bronze Age period human presence in what is now the municipality has been established. Remains testify to this. 16 hamlets make up our municipality, which extends from Saint-Colomban-des-Villards to Albiez and Saint-Jean-d’Arves.

The Covered Fountain
The Fontcouverte village was named after this fountain. Known as the “Pierre-Friche” Fountain, it was covered by a stone-even though no stone was found on the site.

Fontcouverte-La Toussuire
Fontcouverte-La Toussuire is made up of 16 hamlets which line the road from the hamlet of Plan des Rois to the La Toussuire station.