What is the purpose of the Owners’ House? A Frequently Asked Questions section to answer all your questions and understand the role and objectives of the Owners’ House.
It offers numerous activities throughout the year:
1 – Reception in his office, answer to requests for information from owners, future owners, managers and potential investors whether you are already an owner or wish to buy a property for yourself or to rent it. Connection with the appropriate authorities or entities for the resolution of requests. Collection of your suggestions and proposals to improve services and quality of life.
Make an appointment with Yannick : or ask your question by mail: hebergement@la-toussuire.com

2 – Friendly meetings between owners, elected officials of the municipality, representatives of the Ski Lifts during dedicated days in the winter and summer seasons in collaboration with the Corbier resort.
3 – Liaison concerning individual interviews on taxes organized with La Maison des Propriétaires of the Corbier resort, in collaboration with the Cerfrance firm for better management of your tourist rental.
4 – Liaison concerning videoconferences on regulations and new tax developments organized with the Maison des Propriétaires of the Corbier resort, in collaboration with the S.I.V.A.V (Intercommunal Union of the Arvan and Villards Valleys).
5 – Advice on obtaining Ministerial Classification, marketing labels or furnished accommodation quality labels (we carry out classification for the Sybelles® Accommodation Quality label). Information on classifications.
.6 – Liaison with local, regional or national authorities with a view to obtaining aid for renovation project or on other current issues.

7 – Biannual newsletters and mailings based on current needs. Newsletter subscription
8 – Management of the “Second Breath” program for the overall renovation of the resort’s co-ownership residences.
Why should I contact the Owners’ House?
The role of La Maison des Propriétaires is also to advise you.
A ski resort is a very different world from a megalopolis, a city, or even a village. It has its own constraints, its own codes, and its special moments.

Owning a property in the mountains is first and foremost a somewhat unusual investment, as its primary return on investment is “pleasure.” An apartment or chalet is a leisure purchase where you can come on vacation in the summer, ski in the winter, and offer the same opportunity to your family and close friends… All this in an exotic, festive atmosphere. This is the cardinal point of any real estate purchase in the mountains. Not all real estate investments, offer this opportunity, far from it! Managing mountain accommodation meets specific requirements, snow, cold, specific technical regulations, which must be understood in order to optimize your organization.
Properly managing your furnished accommodation or chalet requires making informed choices. After examining all the issues and considering all possible scenarios, the choice of agency or personal management, the resulting tax optimization,… let us guide you through simplifying your choices and avoid the pitfalls.
For all those reasons, visiting the Owners’ House is a must. Signing up for newsletters, meeting days, or workshops also provides the opportunity to meet other owners, share with them the challenges they’ve encountered or the little tips you need to know, and avoid finding yourself alone when facing adversity or difficulties.

Why are the services of the Maison des Propriétaires free?
The Owners’ House is a non-profit association (law of 1901). It has been funded by three entities: one third by the municipality of Fontcouverte (the municipality where the La Toussuire resort is located), one third by the resort’s Tourist Office, and one third by the Sybelles® Ski Lift Company. The role of the Owners’ House is to provide information to all owners or future owners without distinction.
The objective of this collaboration is threefold:

1- Raise awareness of the importance of the quality of vacation rentals in the resort to ensure optimal satisfaction of tourists. A customer satisfaction study is conducted and funded each season and allows for the measurement of changes.
2 – Warming up the “cold beds” means: facilitating the marketing of accommodations in order to provide as many vacation rentals as possible to tourists who wish to come on a ski vacation. A bed is considered “cold” when it is occupied for less than four weeks per year. Your interest and either the municipality and the Ski Lifts, or the retailers and service providers in the resort, is to market their resort as best as possible during the four months of the winter season and the two months of the summer season in order to ensure annual activity sufficient to keep them there.
3 – Allow all our owners to benefit from the best information in a timely manner, without consideration of their status or means and without bias.