“La Maison des Propriétaires” The Owners’ Association

The Owners’ House is a non-profit association and does not sell anything.

logo of La Toussuire Property Owners' Centre

Yannick Mottard is in charge of La Maison des Propriétaires. She listens to your needs and knows the answers to your questions. If she can’t answer, she knows where to find the information and how to get it to you.

The goal of La Maison des Propriétaires de La Toussuire is to animate the owners network , give them the tools to better promote their accommodation, prevent the resort from losing tourist beds and allow it to maintain its attractiveness.

The Owners’ House is located within the Tourist Office. Yannick Mottard is the manager. She welcomes you without an appointment on Mondays and Thursdays from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. Other days, by appointment. You can contact her by email: hebergement@la-toussuire.com or by phone : +33