
An excellent shady climb on which to train before doing the Galibier. In fact, the route takes in the first part of the climb to the Col du Télégraphe. Cafés and shops at the top.
The road surface in this area is good, but there is an important traffic.

There are some restaurants in Saint-Michel-de-Maurienne and Valmeinier, and you can drink water in Saint-Michel-de-Maurienne.
The nearest bike repair shop is located in Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne.


Distance : 29.7 km
Change in altitude : 1244 m
Change in altitude (uphill) : 1244 m
Marked itinerary : Non disponible
Map references : Carte vélo Savoie Mont Blanc disponible à l'office de tourisme.

Further information

Publics : Level black - very hard