Tour of Le Chatel via the Lacets de Montvernier

This pleasant and easy-to-follow circuit takes the famous Lacets de Montvernier. Warning : roadworks this summer 2021. Deviation by motorable path or please get off the bike on the work area and see directly with the workers.
This pleasant and easy-to-follow circuit is full of surprises. From Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne, ride in direction of the A43 motorway. Then, at the Hermillon roundabout, follow signs to Pontamafrey, then go up the spectacular Montvernier switchbacks to Le Châtel. The Tour Bérold de Saxe, above the village, is open to visitors (free). Go back down to Hermillon and Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne.


Distance : 20.8 km
Change in altitude : 430 m
Change in altitude (uphill) : 430 m
Change in altitude (downhill) : 430 m
Maximum altitude : 785 m
Type of itinerary : Boucle
Marked itinerary : Non disponible
Map references : Carte "Vélo de Route" de "La Maurienne, le plus grand domaine cyclable du monde" éditée par Maurienne Tourisme et disponible dans tous les Offices de Tourisme de Maurienne (sous réserve des stocks disponibles).

Further information

Spoken languages : English French
Publics : Level bue - Medium