Loop of the laces of Montvernier

The 18 small laces, clinging to the mountain, constitute one of the most spectacular roads in Savoie and a real challenge for cyclists. Nice panorama at the top.
This pleasant and easy-to-follow circuit is full of surprises. From Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne, ride in direction of the A43 motorway. Then, at the Hermillon roundabout, follow signs to Pontamafrey, then go up the spectacular Montvernier switchbacks to Le Châtel. The Tour Bérold de Saxe, above the village, is open to visitors (free). Go back down to Hermillon and Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne.


Daily duration : 1h 45m
Distance : 17.9 km
Change in altitude : 374 m
Change in altitude (uphill) : 374 m
Change in altitude (downhill) : 374 m
Maximum altitude : 785 m
Type of itinerary : Boucle
Marked itinerary : Non balisé
Types of terrain : Hard coating (tar, cement, flooring)

Further information

Publics : Level green – easy