Boucle cyclo : Circuit du Chaussy

A circuit that starts via the extraordinary Montvernier hairpins and then continues steeply upwards below the cliffs of Montpascal. The road between the Col du Chaussy and Montaimont finishes on the Col de la Madeleine road.
The tour follows the spectacular route of Montvernier and its 18 hairpin bends. The ascent continues to discover beautiful views of the surrounding mountains and through the hamlets of Montvernier. Then you go through a fine dizzy road before reaching the village of Montpascal.


Distance : 50.3 km
Change in altitude : 1090 m
Change in altitude (uphill) : 1090 m
Change in altitude (downhill) : 1090 m
Maximum altitude : 1533 m
Type of itinerary : Boucle
Marked itinerary : Balisé
Details about signage : Balisage départemental : Circuit du Chaussy N°37 noir
Map references : Carte "Vélo de Route" de "La Maurienne, le plus grand domaine cyclable du monde" éditée par Maurienne Tourisme et disponible dans tous les Offices de Tourisme de Maurienne (sous réserve des stocks disponibles).

Further information

Publics : Level black - very hard