Ascent to 'Les Karellis'

Itinerary that joins Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne to the 'Karellis"ski resort.
From Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne, head for Villargondran, go along the lake, then the first hooks of the road D81 take you to Le Bochet. Cross the village of Montricher and continue towards Les Karellis.

The road surface is good, and its traffic is moderate.

There are some fountains in Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne and Les Karellis. Also restaurants in Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne, Villargondran, Montricher and Les Karellis. And to finish, there are bike repair shops in Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne and Les Karellis.

At the end of the itinerary, there is an impressive view.


Distance : 17.4 km
Change in altitude : 1046 m
Change in altitude (uphill) : 1046 m
Marked itinerary : Non disponible

Further information

Spoken languages : English French
Publics : Level black - very hard