Dubbele wereldkampioene in team met Axelle Mollaret
Lorna Bonnel is skimonitrice bij ESF van La Toussuire en begeleidster van gemiddelde berg bij Bureau Montagne van La Toussuire. Ze is in 2013 begonnen met ski-alpinisme in categorie senior (volwassenenen) en blinkt sindsdien uit in deze sport.

Zijn palmares
Bronze medal at the Long Distance World Championships(Pierra Menta) with Axelle Gachet Mollaret.2nd at Adamello with Marianna Jagercikova (Great Races circuit).
Top 10 op alle individuele wereldbekers(8ste in Verbier, 9de in Flaine, 7de in Val Martello, 9de in Madonna di Campiglio) ; 8ste in individueel algemeen klassement van de wereldbeker.
Vice-kampioene van Frankrijk in sprint.
1e in integrale oversteek van de Maurienne-vallei in ski-alpinisme.
2020 was incredibly curtailed, as many competitions were cancelled due to COVID.She finished 4th in the sprint World Cup in Germany, and 5th in the individual events rankings (8 and 9 February)
5th in the individual World Cup events in Andorra, and 13th in the vertical race (25 and 26 January)
Vice-kampioene van Frankrijk individueel (18 januari)

Wereldkampioenschappen in Villars in Zwitserland :
Team World Champion with Axelle Mollaret
Relay World Champion with Axelle Mollaret andLéna Bonnel
Bronze medal in individual events – Bronze medal in combined event
7th in sprint World Cup :
10de op individuele en 12de op de sprint in Oostenrijk
3de op individuele en 10de op de vertical race in Andorra
3de op de sprint en 4de op individuele in Super Dévoluy in Frankrijk
2de op individuele en 10de op vertical race in Disentis in Zwitserland
3de op individuele en 6de op de sprint in Madonna di Campiglio in Italië 4de in world ranking (seizoensklassement wereldbekers en wereldkampioenschappen).
6de bij overall klassement van de wereldbeker, 5de op individuele, 6de op de sprint en 14de op de vertical race.
Mezzalama : Overwinning in team met Alba De Silvestro en Axelle Mollaret (ondersteuning van werldkampioenschappen lange afstand – circuit La Grande Course)

Kampioenschappen van Frankrijk :
French vice-champion in individual events
French vice-champion in sprint
3rd French competitor in vertical race
Victory in the Transcavallo team events with Alba De Silvestro (famous 3-day race in Italy).
Winner of La Toussuire sprint.
Winner of Dynastar x 3 (best women’s ski touring time) with Léna and Candice Bonnel.
Een jaar van trainingen en competities is ook: 560u. sport (waarvan 220u. skiën), 4.858 km, 274.340 m. met niveauverschil + (waarvan 140.000 m.+ skiën). Maar ook 25 dagen wedstrijden in de winter met skiën en 13 wedstrijden in de zomer met verticale kilometers en op de fiets.

In 2018, despite a persistent flu that ruined much of her winter, Lorna’s results were more than excellent :
5th in the Individual World Cup events at Madonna di Campiglio and 6th in the Sprint event
3rd in the Tour du Rutor with Séverine Pont Combe – Vice French Sprint Champion and 3rd in the Vertical Race event
– 1st in Tour du Grand Paradis in team met Sophie Mollard
Team ski mountaineering world champion with Axelle Mollaret in Piancavallo (Italy), 26 February 2017.
11th in Individual events, 11th in Sprint and 4th in Combined.
Lorna and Axelle also finished 3rd in the Pierra Menta, in 2017.
French championships : 3rd place in the individual race – 6th in the sprint
3rd in the Vertical Race – Albaron women’s record: 2h36’36”

FFME French champion, team event (with Laetitia Roux)
5de in wereldbeker, individuele proef, in Mondole.
– 7de in individuele en 8ste in sprint : 3° etappe van de wereldbeker Transcavallo, Italië
– 12de in individuele en 12de in sprint: 2° etappe van de wereldbeker Valtellina Orobie, Italië
13th in the individual events at European Championships, and 16th in the sprint in Les Marécottes, Switzerland
16th in the individual event and 18th in the vertical race: 1st stage of the World Cup in Andorra
FFME French champion, team event (with Laetitia Roux)
FFCAM French Individual events and Team Champion
10th at the Puy St Vincent Sprint World Cup
6th at Adamello, Italy (with Valentine Fabre) (“Grande Course” race).
8th at Pierra Menta (with Candice Bonnel) (“Grande Course” race)
FFME French vice-champion, team event (with Blandine Ducrest)
FFCAM French champion, team event (with Blandine Ducrest)
FFCAM French Vice-champion
9th at the Patrouille des Glaciers, Switzerland (“Grande Course” circuit)
1st in the Transvanoise
9th at the Mezzalama, Italy (“Grande Course” circuit),
1st at the Grand Béal in 2013, 2014, 2015